Whether you are the parent of a sophomore who is planning ahead for next year’s college admissions testing or a junior who is trying to figure out which test to take to maximize your scores heading into senior year, it’s always good to get to know your testing...
SAT vs. ACT®
A+ Webinar: Fact or Fiction: Common SAT and ACT® Myths
The first thing I’m going to do is talk about the origin of the testing that we do and talk about some of the changes that have happened. The SAT started almost a hundred years ago. It’s been a long time. The ACT® came online quite a bit later, but still quite a while ago. They started in different places. The SAT started on the East Coast with the Ivy League, and the ACT® started in Iowa City, Iowa, so that was really focused on people in the middle of the country. Eventually the SAT became really big on both the West Coast and East Coast, and the ACT® continued to have most prominence in the Midwest and parts of the South. Over time the tests had changed quite a bit, especially the SAT. Over the time that I’ve been doing this (about thirty years) it’s changed about four times.
PDF Download: SAT/ACT® Comparison
We hear it all the time here at A+ Test Prep and Tutoring: “Which test should I take? The SAT or the ACT®?” Should one test take precedence over the other? Would taking both the SAT and the ACT® be most the most advantageous route? Students and parents alike have...
Frequently Asked SAT & ACT® Questions: (2 of 2)
Got questions? A+ Test Prep has answers! If you haven't read part one of this two part post click here. In Part One of this series, we focused on questions about how admissions exams, SAT and ACT®, fit into the college application process. However, A+ also receives...
SAT versus ACT®: Which Test Should You Take?
Should I take the SAT or the ACT®? We get that question a lot. A+ Test Prep & Tutoring has the answer and if you still can't decide A+ offers free proctored practice exams! Try both the SAT and ACT®. We offer our free proctored practice...
Frequently Asked SAT & ACT® Questions: (1 of 2)
Got questions? A+ Test Prep has answers! The college application process is always changing. Even if your family has already navigated the admissions waters, it’s good to make sure your information is up-to-date. By popular request, here are a few A+ SAT and ACT®...
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ACT® and SAT® are registered trademarks belonging to ACT Education Corp. (“ACT”), and College Board, respectively. ACT and College Board are not involved with or affiliated with A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc. nor do ACT or College Board endorse or sponsor any of the products or services offered by A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc.