It’s early in the new year, making it the perfect time to reflect on the patterns in your life that aren’t serving you well. Maybe you want to procrastinate less or participate more. Banish bad habits with these tips!
Directions for Dealing with Perfectionism
Listening in the adjacent room, Angel’s father heard her practicing a presentation for her Honors English class. It seemed to be going well, but then Angel stumbled over a word. Instead of repeating the word correctly, Angel sighed loudly and restarted her...
How to Say, “No!” to a Winter Slump and Stay Motivated
It’s another early January morning, and you begrudgingly get out of bed feeling cold and seeing nothing but darkness outside. You definitely don’t want to go to school let alone stay after to finish a group project. The next time you’ll be back in your room around...
College 101: Level Up Executive Function Skills on the Move Up to College
High school was always easy for Alexis. She got A’s in most classes and her teachers loved her. Sure, she forgot to do her homework a few times, didn’t do so well on a test once or twice because she waited to study until the last minute, but most of the time she was...
Dealing With Test Anxiety
Who likes to take tests? Certainly not Ezra who fidgeted as his teacher passed out a genetics test to his Biology class. While the class got quiet, the noise of Ezra’s pounding heart and racing thoughts got louder. “Why did I even bother studying? I’m just going to...
Mindprint: Understand How Your Student Learns
Mindprint is a cognitive assessment developed at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine that provides students, parents, and tutors with key insights into how each student learns in order to best help students succeed. This one hour online...
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