The COVID-19 pandemic has led to dramatic changes in our lives. Students, in particular, have had to make major adjustments, including attending virtual school and missing milestone events. College admissions policies are changing as well. As a result of exam...
Frequently Asked Questions
Test Prep and the Student Athlete
Many students who play sports in high school hope to compete at the college level, which means navigating a complex maze of deadlines and standards. To make it to the finish line, you will need to understand both academic eligibility requirements and proper test...
What to Do When Your Test Score Improvement Stalls – The Pace of Progress
A Piece of Cake The recipe for success on the SAT/ACT® isn’t the same for everyone. Think of it as similar to baking a cake: one person can have all of the needed ingredients and baking experience; another person might have experience, too, but still need a few...
Accommodating Differences: How to Secure Support for Special Needs Learning in College
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, 19 percent of undergraduates are students with disabilities. Although these students learn differently than their peers, they are no less likely to succeed in college, especially if they have access to the...
Impostor Syndrome: When Self Doubt Belittles Success
“Fake it till you make it” is a classic piece of advice, but what happens if you still feel like you’re faking it after you’ve made it? What if a new challenge or a new environment makes you question yourself and your ability? Doubts such as these are more common than...
3 Changes Coming to the ACT® Test in 2020
Beginning with the administration of the September 2020 ACT® test, students will have more choices for demonstrating their college aptitude. ACT® has introduced section retesting, superscoring, and faster results with online testing. ACT® Chief Commercial Officer...
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A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Philadelphia
505 York Road, Suite 6, Jenkintown PA 19046
A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Montgomeryville
593-1 Bethlehem Pike, Unit #4, Montgomeryville PA 18936
ACT® and SAT® are registered trademarks belonging to ACT Education Corp. (“ACT”), and College Board, respectively. ACT and College Board are not involved with or affiliated with A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc. nor do ACT or College Board endorse or sponsor any of the products or services offered by A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc.