A+ Featured Student: Jennifer Allison

Last updated Apr 5, 2021 

Sometimes all you need is a friend.

Jennifer Allison is a junior going into senior year at Hatboro Horsham High School. When Jennifer’s best friend recommended A+ for test prep, Jennifer decided to check us out.

Boy was that good advice! Jennifer was able to raise her ACT® score by five points—up to 23!

Jennifer took time out of her busy summer schedule of lifeguarding and swim competitions to talk about her experience with us.

Jennifer AllisonA+: Why did you decide to work with us here at A+?

Jennifer: I was worried about my math. It’s my biggest challenge. I also wanted practice in standardized testing in general. I don’t consider myself a good tester. It’s not like I have test anxiety, but I just felt I could improve my testing performance. 

A+: What do you feel was your biggest challenge in improving your score? 

Jennifer: My biggest challenge was math, without a question. What surprised me, though, was that my English score came up as well. I wasn’t expecting that!

Rob Gelb, who was Jennifer’s math tutor, has a theory about that result:

“A big part of success on these exams is attitude, and Jennifer had a great attitude throughout our sessions. Even with setbacks, she never lost morale. It was always about trying to get better, something any student should remember.”

A+: What was the best piece of advice you remember getting from your tutor?

Jennifer: I had a bad habit of overthinking questions. I learned to stop doing that and focus on testing strategies like process of elimination instead. Try your hardest! Practicing and getting used to the types of questions is important. I did a lot of practice tests. As I continued, I got more and more confident in my abilities.

A+: What are your plans for the future?

Jennifer: Two schools I’m looking at are Immaculata University and Cabrini College. I currently swim competitively for my high school, and I hope to continue that in college. As far as my career, my goal is to work with children as an Early Childhood Education teacher.

A+: That’s wonderful! Do you have any parting words of advice for other students just starting their testing journeys?

Jennifer: A+ gives you the tools to succeed—use the material they provide and do the work. Take the practice tests. You will gain confidence as you see your score go up.

Congratulations and best of luck to Jennifer!

At A+ Test Prep and Tutoring, our focus is always on you. Our practices are based on the latest developments in educational theory and research. We have an excellent team of tutors who can help you with standardized testing, executive functioning, or achievement in any other school subject. If you would like more information, our Client Service Directors Anne Stanley and Susan Ware are available to answer questions and provide solutions. You may reach either of them by calling A+ Test Prep and Tutoring at 215-886-9188.


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